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DevAssure | Best Test Automation Platform - Free for Individuals

· 10 min read
Anush Chandra Shekar
SEO & Digital Marketing, DevAssure

DevAssure is one of the best test automation platform that helps QA Professionals automate their testing journey in ease.

DevAssure | Best Test Automation Platform - Free for Individuals

Choosing the best test automation platform is a crucial step as it directly impacts delivering high-quality products quickly and efficiently.

DevAssure is a one-stop software testing solution for test case generation, test case management, and test case execution. Record and play test cases, environment configuration, cookie-based authentication, flutter app automation, generating test cases from UI mock-ups are some of the useful features that DevAssure’s test automation tool comprises. Moreover, DevAssure is a Black Box testing tool that is built using best practices of Hybrid test automation framework

A premium test automation platform must be capable of delivering omnichannel software testing capabilities for QA teams. Furthermore, it should enable QA teams to closely work with developers right from the “Requirement Analysis” cycle. Additionally, a well-built test automation tool must be easily integrated with other tools such as Figma, Jira, etc. which software test engineers rely on for generating test cases.

DevAssure’s test automation tool is built with robust architecture, capable of serving QA teams across verticals. Moreover, the monthly subscription fee, Low-code user interface, integration capabilities as well as a comprehensive suite of features make it the best test automation platform available in the market. A wide range of testing needs such as Visual Testing, API testing, Accessibility testing, etc. can be performed with DevAssure at a few clicks.

What makes DevAssure the best friend for testing teams?

In this digital era, the testing department of every company relies on different types of testing frameworks and processes. The adoption of test automation software has also increased drastically. With numerous names out there in the market, DevAssure proves to be the best fit for all use cases.


Inbuilt Git plugin, Jira integration, Figma integration, and test cases from PRDs are some of the key features that elevate DevAssure as the best software testing solution. Secondly, its Low-code testing interface helps even non-programmers to perform seamless testing.

Thirdly, the cost-effective pricing module, makes it affordable for all sizes of businesses (SMB’s, MM, ENT). To learn more about DevAssure pricing plans, please click here. Alternatively, you can also click the below button to directly schedule a demo with our team of experts.

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Web & API testing in a single workflow

A test automation software that can help Software testing teams perform both Web, as well as API testing, can save a lot of time.

With DevAssure’s test automation platform, users can instantly test and validate API requests in real-time. Furthermore, users can dynamically feed test data directly to API test.

This automation in API test cases helps to detect bugs early in the development cycle before it costs a lot of money. Moreover, users can chain multiple API calls to test end-to-end user scenarios.

To learn more about the Web & API test automation feature in DevAssure, please sign up for a free trial by clicking the below link.

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Visual Regression Testing

One of the standout features of DevAssure’s test automation tool is its visual regression testing capabilities. Furthermore, visual testing at DevAssure can be performed at No additional cost.

Detection of unintended visual changes in web applications, such as alterations in fonts, styles, and even spelling errors can be identified with a few clicks. Unlike Manual or traditional functional testing methods, which focus on the underlying logic of the application, visual regression testing ensures that the Graphical User Interface (GUI) maintains its consistency.

One of the key features of DevAssure’s test automation platform is that users can directly import UI mock-ups from Figma as well as upload their screenshots. Bugs that are missed in Functional testing are easily identified in visual testing.


To know more about how DevAssure can leverage your visual test automation, please click the below link to sign up for the free trial

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Unlike other test-automation platforms, visual testing in DevAssure can be performed at no additional cost.

AI Powered test Automation

Another key feature that sets DevAssure apart is its AI-powered test automation. Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing various aspects of software development, and test automation. DevAssure leverages AI to assist QA engineers in generating automated test cases with detailed steps (Action Vs Expected Results)

AI test automation tool

The AI-powered functionality in DevAssure enhances the efficiency of the testing process by automating the creation of test scenarios. This not only speeds up the development of test cases but also improves their accuracy. By analyzing the web application behavior and generating test cases based on this analysis, DevAssure helps teams ensure that all critical functionalities are thoroughly tested.

Seamless Integration with Figma and Jira

DevAssure test automation software offers seamless integration with popular tools like Figma and Jira.

Users can synchronize Figma and directly import UI mock-ups into their test automation platform’s dashboard.


This eliminates the need for manual data transfer and reduces the risk of discrepancies between design and implementation. Additionally, integration with Jira allows teams to track testing progress and manage issues more efficiently, streamlining the overall project management process.

Comprehensive API Testing

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the backbone of modern software applications. It enables communication between different components and services. Comprehensive API testing is essential for ensuring that these integrations function correctly and reliably. DevAssure test automation tool offers robust API testing capabilities that cater to both low-code and advanced testing needs.

One of the key benefits of DevAssure’s API testing features is its ability to integrate API and web tests into a single workflow. This unified approach simplifies the testing process and ensures that both frontend and backend functionalities are thoroughly evaluated. Additionally, DevAssure allows users to automate API tests, leading to early bug detection and resolution. The platform also supports chaining multiple API calls to test end-to-end user scenarios, providing a holistic view of your application’s performance.

To have a personalized demo of how DevAssure’s API testing can help QA teams reduce testing time, please click the link below.

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Accessibility Testing

Ensuring that applications are accessible to users with disabilities is not only a matter of compliance but also a critical aspect of delivering an inclusive user experience. DevAssure addresses this need by integrating accessibility testing into its test automation framework.

With DevAssure’s accessibility testing features, users can automatically test their applications for compliance with industry-standard guidelines such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). This integration helps teams identify and address accessibility issues early in the development process, ensuring that their applications are usable by all individuals, regardless of their abilities.

Page Object Model (POM)

The Page Object Model (POM) is a design pattern that enhances the maintainability and readability of test automation code. DevAssure strictly enforces the use of POM, encouraging users to organize their test automation code by dividing it into separate Page Objects.

By adopting the Page Object Model, DevAssure test automation tool promotes better code structure and reusability. Each Page Object represents a single page or component of the application, encapsulating its behavior and interactions. This approach makes it easier to manage and update test cases as the application evolves, reducing the risk of code duplication and simplifying test maintenance.

Reusable Functions

Efficiency and maintainability are key considerations in test automation. DevAssure’s support for reusable functions addresses these needs by allowing users to create modular, reusable components for their tests. Reusable functions enable users to break down complex test scenarios into smaller, manageable parts, promoting code reuse and reducing redundancy.

By leveraging reusable functions, teams can streamline the test creation process and ensure that their tests are both efficient and maintainable. This feature is particularly valuable for large projects where managing and updating test cases can become cumbersome.

Record and Playback

DevAssure’s Record and Playback feature offers a user-friendly solution. This utility allows users to capture their actions during test execution and automatically generate executable test scripts.

The Record and Playback feature simplifies the process of creating test scenarios by recording user interactions and converting them into test scripts. Additionally, users can select different browsers during recording, ensuring that tests are executed across various browser environments. This capability provides a convenient way to create and manage tests without the need for extensive scripting knowledge.

To learn more about cross-browser testing capabilities in “DevAssure test automation platform”, please click here.

Test Data Management

Effective test automation requires robust data management, and DevAssure provides comprehensive support for test data configuration. The platform offers extensive capabilities for managing databases, test data, and test data groups.

With DevAssure’s test data configuration features, users can efficiently manage and configure the data required for their tests. This ensures that tests run with accurate and relevant data, leading to more reliable test results and better overall test coverage.

Success Stories of Clients

To further illustrate the effectiveness of DevAssure, please have a look at the testimonials provided by our clients by clicking here.

DevAssure Test Automation Platform Plans and Pricing

DevAssure offers test automation solutions at three plans namely Free Forever, Team Plan, and Enterprise.

The License cost starts from 0$ / Month / user to 75$ / Month / user. Furthermore, under Enterprise plan, DevAssure offers customizable test automation solutions for Enterprise companies that are constantly scaling their QA teams.

Furthermore, DevAssure also offers a 14-day free trial that users can enroll to know more about how DevAssure testing platform can accelerate the test journey. Please click here to know more about the complete suite of testing tool features for each plan.


DevAssure stands out as the best test automation platform for a multitude of reasons.

  • Visual Regression Testing
  • AI-Powered Automation
  • Seamless Integrations
  • Robust API Testing
  • Accessibility Testing etc.

The above-cited reasons address the diverse needs of modern QA test automation processes. The platform’s support for the Page Object Model, reusable functions, record and playback, and test data configuration further enhances its appeal, making it a top choice for both individual developers and large teams.

The fact that DevAssure is free for individual users makes it an accessible and attractive option for solo developers and small teams looking to improve their test automation capabilities. By leveraging DevAssure, you can streamline your testing processes, detect issues early, and ultimately deliver high-quality software that meets the needs of your users.

In a competitive software development landscape where quality is paramount, DevAssure provides the tools and features you need to stay ahead of the curve. Organisations looking to enhance their test automation workflow, improve collaboration between design and QA teams, or ensure comprehensive testing across various environments, DevAssure has you covered. Explore DevAssure today and discover why it is the best test automation platform available.

To have a personalized demo of how DevAssure test automation platform can leverage your Organization’s testing capabilities, please click the below button to schedule a demo with our team of experts.

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