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Development Testing | Key Practices in Development Testing

· 4 min read
Badri Varadarajan
Co-Founder and COO, DevAssure

DevTesting is a software development approach that integrates the development and testing phases, bridging the gap between these traditionally separate functions. In conventional software development, the separation of development and testing can cause delays between writing code and testing it. DevTest, however, fosters a collaborative environment where these phases are intertwined, promoting continuous feedback and improvement.

Development Testing (DevTest) Enhancing Software Development Efficiency

With DevTest, development and testing are tightly aligned, allowing code to be automatically tested as soon as it is written and checked in. This integration helps identify and resolve issues more quickly, ensuring that software is always in a deployable state.

Benefits of DevTest

Adopting a DevTest methodology offers several significant advantages:

High Code Quality

Continuous testing ensures that new code is consistently reviewed, leading to improved code quality. Immediate feedback allows developers to address issues before they become more complex and costly to fix.

Faster Releases

Early identification and resolution of issues shorten the time required to deliver new features. This agility enables businesses to respond swiftly to market demands and stay competitive.

Early Detection of Defects

Through shift left testing early in the development process, bugs can be identified sooner. This proactive approach reduces the risk of critical issues in later stages of release, minimising disruption, customer escalations and saves $$$ in late stage quality issues.

Improved Collaboration

DevTesting encourages better communication and collaboration between development and testing teams. This synergy fosters a culture of shared responsibility for quality, leading to more cohesive and efficient workflows.

Key Practices in DevTesting

To successfully implement DevTesting, Engineering leaders need to ensure the following process are in place.

Continuous Integration (CI)

Automating the integration of code changes from multiple contributors ensures that the software is always up-to-date and functional. CI tools run automated tests on each integration, catching issues early.

Automated Testing

Implementing automated tests at various levels (unit, integration, and system testing) ensures that new code does not introduce regressions. Automated testing frameworks and tools facilitate this process.

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Writing tests before the actual code ensures that development is guided by clear specifications and expected outcomes. TDD promotes better design and maintainability.

Continuous Delivery (CD)

Extending CI practices to include automated deployment ensures that software can be released to production at any time. CD reduces the lead time for new features and bug fixes.

Challenges and Considerations

While DevTesting offers numerous benefits, implementing it can pose challenges:

Cultural Shift

Transitioning to DevTest requires a cultural shift within the organization. Teams must embrace collaboration, continuous learning, and shared responsibility for quality.

Tooling and Infrastructure

Adopting DevTest necessitates investing in appropriate tools and infrastructure. This includes CI/CD pipelines, automated testing frameworks, and monitoring solutions.

Skill Development

Teams may need to acquire new skills to effectively implement and maintain automated testing and CI/CD practices. Ongoing training and support are essential.

Why DevTesting is Important

DevTest is crucial because it improves the efficiency of the software development life cycle (SDLC), minimizes the impact of software bugs, and accelerates the delivery of new features and bug fixes to customers. By fostering a proactive and collaborative approach to development and testing, DevTesting helps organizations maintain high-quality standards and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

Embracing DevTest can lead to significant benefits, including improved code quality, reduced time to market, and cost savings, ultimately driving greater customer satisfaction and business success.

About DevAssure

DevAssure is a all-in-one test automation platform designed for performing QA testing. Web testing, Visual Testing, API Testing can be performed with just a few clicks. Moreover, Visual testing can be performed with no additional cost. To know more about DevAssure and to have a personalized demo, please click the button below.

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