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Integrating with Jenkins(Pipeline)

Jenkins is an open-source automation platform for building, deploying, and automating various projects. It can function as a basic CI server or be expanded into a comprehensive continuous delivery hub. Setting up and configuring Jenkins is straightforward through its web interface.

This document describes how to execute DevAssure tests within a Jenkins pipeline using the DevAssure Command Line Interface (CLI).


  • A valid DevAssure authentication token.

Creating a new Jenkins Pipeline

  • Log into your Jenkins instance and navigate to the Dashboard Page.
  • Click New Item on the left menu in the Dashboard page.
  • Enter a name, select 'Pipeline' as the Project type and click on the 'Ok' button to create the Pipeline.

Configuring the Pipeline

  • Scroll down to the Pipeline section and add the script below, for Linux
pipeline {
agent any

environment {
DEVASSURE_CLI_URL = '' // Update with your download URL
DEVASSURE_TOKEN = ' Replace with your actual token '

stages {
stage('Download DevAssureCLI (if needed)') { // Optional stage for downloading the CLI
when {
expression {
// Check if DevAssure CLI exists (adjust path based on your installation)
return !fileExists('/path/to/DevAssure')
steps {
sh '''

stage('Run DevAssure Tests') {
steps {
script {
// Define variables
def sourcePath = '/Users/stark/DevAssure/Marvel' // Update with your actual source path
def targetPath = '/Users/stark/temp/' // Update with your target path
def suitePath = '/Users/stark/DevAssure/Marvel/test-suite/P0.suite.tspp' // Update with your test suite path
def jobName = 'p0_tests' // Update with your desired job name
def runProfilePath = '/Users/stark/DevAssure/Marvel/run-profile/chrome.profile.tspp' // Update with your run profile path

sh '''
./DA \
--auth-token $DEVASSURE_TOKEN \
--source ${sourcePath} \
--target ${$targetPath} \
run \
--suite ${suitePath} \
--total-nodes 1 \
--node-id 0 \
--branch beta \
--job-name ${jobName} \
--run-profile ${runProfilePath}


We suggest you get help from your Ops team in configuring the Build Pipeline if you are trying it for the first time.


Running the job

  • Once you've saved the job configuration, click "Build Now" on the left-hand panel.
  • Upon job completion, the script execution details should be visible in the "Console Output" page.
  • If the test execution and DevAssure CLI configuration were successful, you should see test results were submitted to your DevAssure instance.
  • You can view the reults under the Reports section of your instance in the DevAssure web app.