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Environment URLs

Specifying the correct URL for each environment ensures you are working with the appropriate data and functionality.

This document details how to manage environment URLs.

Modifying Environment URLs

  • Navigate to the Environments section in the sidebar, click on URLs .
  • In the designated field ("Override constants for:") enter the name of the environment to be modified.
  • Input the specific setting "SITE_URL" and in the corresponding value field, enter the complete and valid URL for the website or application associated with this environment. Ensure the URL includes the protocol (http:// or https://).


Suppose you want to update the URL for the "DevBox" environment to point to "".

  • Navigate to the URLs in the Environments section.
  • In the "Override constants for:" field, enter "DevBox" (or the name of your environment).
  • Enter the setting named "SITE_URL" .
  • Enter the new URL: "" in the value field.