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Page Elements are the building blocks that make up the user interface (UI) of your application. DevAssure supports a variety of common page elements, each with specific actions that can be performed.

Creating a page element

Page elements are linked to their corresponding pages.

To add a new element, choose the desired page from the Pages, Components in the side navigation.

The selected page will open up in the editor for further customization.

  • In the Elements tab, Click on Add Element to include a new element.
Element FieldsDescription
NameEnter the name you want to give your element.
Locator TypeThere are 7 types of element locators supported in DevAssure. This field is a drop-down list. You can select any of them: CSS, XPATH, Text, ID, Name, Role ,Class Name
LocatorEnter the value corresponding to the Locator Type you selected Identify and use the most stable and reliable locators for each element
Backup LocatorsAlternative locators that can be used if the primary locator fails. You can have multiple backup locators for an element with different locator types

Picking a page element

Alternatively, you can add page elements using the Pick Element feature.

  • Open the desired page to record the element.
  • Select Pick Element
  • The DevAssure recorder will appear. Enter the URL from which you want to capture the elements.
  • Click on the element in the website opened in the browser.
  • The element details, including the name and locator, will be captured.
  • Click on Save.

Passing Parameters to Page Elements

Dynamically passing parameters to page elements can be achieved through the following steps:

  • Include paramters in the element's locator by enclosing paramter names in "$".
  • example: //button[text()="${label}" and contains(@class, "${button_class}")]
  • When this element is used in a test step, provide values for the parameters.
Icon Icon

Backup Locators

Backup locators refer to alternative or secondary identifiers for locating elements on a webpage when the primary locators fail or become unreliable

To add a backup locator for an element:

  • Navigate to the element for which a backup needs to be included.
  • Click on Add Backups.
  • In the Backup Locator popup, select Add Locator.
  • Choose the Locator Type and provide the corresponding Locator Value.